21_06_2000 :
a transborderline between Italy and Slovenia
During the opening of Manifesta 3 Stalker is exploring
the border between Italy and Slovenia through the installation
of a piece of the Transborderline tube. The day is dedicated
to the search for a spot on the border that we can stretch
into a new space. This site is then dedicated not just
to illegal crossings, but it will be come a symbolic
place for encounters, relaxing and exchanges among anybody
willing to inhabit it. The action started in the Campo
Boario in Rome, a former slaughterhouse whidh today
is an abandoned space where nomads, gypsies and immigrants
live. The Transborderline spiral has been built and
opened to all the searchers who want to experiment with
it's various uses to create a meeting place among the
differnet cultures in the area. Pieces of the Transborderline
have also been built in Villa Medici in Rome (La ville,
le jardin, la memoire), in Venice (VII Biennale di Architectura)
and Ljubljana (Manifesta 3) to establish a connection
from west to east. .