Albanian Stories, 1997, video, 15 min
. Adrian Paci belongs to a group of Albanian artists who entered
the art scene in the early 1990s and were called by Edi Muka
the generation of "transition", echoing the radical social
and political changes of that time. Like his colleagues, Paci
as well was marked by his "traditional" academic education,
so that until recently he had been developing his artistic
language through the medium of painting. His first attempt
in the new media was the video recording which he presents
at Manifesta 3. It is a thematic presentation of the landmark
year of 1997 when the unfortunate political circumstances
swept Albania into civil war and later into a state of total
chaos and anarchy. Paci deals with the scarred souls of the
so-called "boat people" who had to flee in panic the terrors
of war as their homeland collapsed. The subtle mood of the
film was achieved with minimal intervention by the artist.
He simply recorded his daughter's testimonials in three sessions
and framed them in an artistic context. Paci himself described
the work as a kind of readymade film where we witness a child
- his daughter Jola - playing spontaneously, conveying all
the traumatic experiences of the ravages of war that marked
the little girl for life. The artist succeeded not only with
the simple, honest, deliberately simple approach to recording
a powerful, emotionally devastating story, but also placed
himself in a critical position towards the manipulative power
of the local as well as international media and their methods