Nigger Talking, 1999, video, 29 min
Amit Goren's video focuses on the complex and contradictory
attitudes toward immigrants who live and work in Israel. It
is estimated that there are 200,000 foreign workers in Israel,
half of them illegal, making up 8 to 12% of the work force
in the country. World-wide experience indicates that the greatest
dangers accompanying the phenomenon of foreign workers lie
in the undermining of the system of work relations and social
stratification, as well as the development of xenophobia,
the devaluation in the status of human and social dignity,
and in the development of bitterness, violence and crime among
the second generation. There are approximately 1,000 children
under the age of 8 who were born in Israel to illegal foreign
workers. Only a limited number of these children are registered
in the public educational system. Amit Goren's video project
shows how in response to the growing demand for kindergarten
and primary school education within the community, Nana Opoku
Agyemang, an illegal worker from Ghana, has opened a private
school for children of foreign workers in the living room
and bedroom of his apartment.
