Untitled, 2000, installation
Denisa Lehocká belongs to a generation of artists who entered
the art scene in the 1990s. Her artistic strategy was developed
from the post-conceptualist standpoints which give priority
to the object, object trouvé and installation. She focuses
on thought processes, on conveying mental and conceptual messages
which skirt the classical and formal aesthetic solutions of
art. By avoiding the direct and referential context, the mentioned
point of departure enables the artist to develop new situational
models and spiritual levels which she achieves by reducing
her means of expression, by economy of "vocabulary" and by
specific articulation of individual issues of art. In this
way she adapts to the subject matter which she manipulates
and to the space in which it exists. The installation of Denisa
Lehocká is a kind of register of ordinary objects which the
artist, ostensibly arbitrarily - yet according to a system
quite obvious to herself - arranges across a space, suspends
on walls or simply places on the floor. We may call them signs,
codes or "frozen" pieces of information, which adapt themselves
to their own, autonomous rules of the game. Through this arrangement
into series and various sequences, a special kind of energy
is created in the relations between the objects. At the same
time, however, one can sense among these objects a red thread
suggesting a feeling of wholeness - the closing of the circle.
Thus a fragile net of allusions develops, mental connections
and completely random links of communication which determine
the rhythm of the viewer's perception and arbitrarily channel
his mental flow.