Airplane, 2000, video film, 28 min
Ever since his childhood, Joost Conijn has been travelling
the world. He never misses a chance to go somewhere. What
fascinates him in his travels is the meaning of transportation
and situations that travelling leaves imprinted on his mind.
When he was 20, he reached as far as India by bicycle, and
two years ago he got his flying licence. And this is in fact
the point of departure for the work he presents at Manifesta
3. It starts with an uncontrollable urge to fly. He produces
concrete objects, mostly made of metal, and most of which
are functional. He uses iron, motorcycles and bicycles as
literal extensions of his body, and video as the narrative
extension of his appearance. He is constantly asking himself
where the human body ends and where the machine begins. His
work is centred on the elements common to man and machine,
as well as on relations between society and art. At the same
time, he investigates the frontiers that go beyond mental
and cultural tenets. He is primarily interested in experimentation
and risk-taking and in the realisation of impossible projects,
particularly those projects which are considered unfeasible
by most people. His plans are always brief and simple, formulated
with a few words. The realisation of these projects means
months of work and learning experiences involving the most
diverse events and challenges. He uses the objects and opportunities
that are offered to him in his project. He comes to situations
with the broadest of horizons, so that both the work process
and the final result are revealed without any great complications.
In 1999 Joost Conijn was building an aircraft. He exhibited
it on the roof of De Fabriek in Eindhoven. The true meaning
of the aircraft is not in its artistic value, but rather,
in its functionality, as the aircraft was built with the performance
of its primary function in mind - namely, flying. The artist
scheduled its maiden flight for late 1999 in the middle of
a Moroccan desert. The desert as a space excites him particularly,
due to its vast landscape, the infinite space and total boundlessness.
And the desert is also a space where there is nothing - no
houses and no rules. The Sahara was thus the closest space
for unhindered testing of the aircraft. The entire process
from design, its installation on the rooftop of De Fabriek,
testing of its functions, the transport - including all the
vicissitudes of travel to and across the Sahara - and finally
the first flight tests were recorded by the artist on film.
