1999, video film, 15 min.
Vacancy is a film about Brasilia which Umberto Eco called
the "city of hope" and also the "last utopia of the 20th century".
Brasilia is a city that has been abandoned by its inhabitants.
It became a preserved monument protected as part of the cultural
heritage, and is kept alive only by the personnel. The fate
of this city has become a paradigmatic example of the precise,
theoretically "perfectly" planned urban and architectural
concept, at the level of the overall design as well as at
the level of the minutest detail. But the venture fails because
the inhabitants simply do not accept it in the manner that
has been prearranged. Müller shows the difference between
expectations and reality through effective film editing. The
footage of construction shot by the builders in the '60s is
juxtaposed to his own scenes from 1998. The former shows the
images of the emerging "perfect" city, and the latter the
"scars" made in the fabric of the carefully planned ambience
by the living social environment and its practical needs and
customs, which are probably rather banal in the eyes of the
architects. Through the artist's effective personal approach,
the film invokes in the viewer the alternating feelings of
absence (suggested by the omnipresence of the narrator's background
voice throughout the film) and presence, achieved with powerful
images and sophisticated treatment of the sound track. Vacancy
is a link in the chain of Müller 's films that make use of
unconventional narrative strategy, combined with very personal
aesthetics, to explore the desires and destinies of the contemporary
