Untitled, 1996-2000, installation
"Sanna Sarva represents a persistent micropolitical agency
in the Finnish art world. Her way of working locates her art
in the field of the socially alert "new genre public art".
To become realised these works need the existence of a highly
conscious relationship between the artist and her audience,
between the artists and the people she represents in her work,
and between the artist and her environment." (L.-M. Rossi)
In Manifesta 3 Sanna Sarva presents the portion of her works
created from 1996 to 2000 and in this way initiates a discourse
on the theme of immigration. For her work The Portrait of
Values Sanna Sarva worked with five immigrants, whom she photographed
and interviewed about their values. Together with the text
boards, she has displayed their portraits in a government
office handling the immigration issue and making decisions
about the lives of the people represented in the photographs.
On another occasion she left at the reception desk of a hotel
in Helsinki a stack of artist's books telling the story of
a Ghanaian man travelling "from Africa to Africa and finally
to Finland". The power relationships in and around the artworks
change and vary in different surroundings. Sanna Sarva creates
perceptive accounts of these changes, which also become visible
in the context of Manifesta 3.
