Stock Exchange, 2000, performance
Sislej Xhafa' s work deals with the transformations caused
by the movements and migrations of humanity, coming from the
South and the East are changing the West. His work attempts
to respond to this transformation, taking place within the
terms of illegality, immigration and multiculturalism. Institutions
have been sent into crisis by these great waves of immigration,
artists should become bearers of this new situation, producing
work molded by the changing reality. At Manifesta 3, Sislej
Xhafa performed in the railway station of Ljubljana. He looked
at the notice-board of departures and arrivals, announcing
the information of the trains by using the style of communication
of stockbrokers. He enacted hand gesturing and proclaimed
in the tone of voice typical to stockbrokers. Sislej Xhafa
was elegantly dressed, in style similar to the operators on
the Wall Street. Stock Exchange was performed two days before
the vernissage. Video documentation of that, together with
a new performance is shown the day of the opening.
