Transborderline: Habitable infrastructure to support the
free movement of the public, 2000
Stalker is a collective that engages research and actions
within the landscape with particular attention to areas around
the city's margins and forgotten urban spaces, and abandoned
areas or regions under transformation. Stalker faces the apparently
unsolvable contradictions of salvaging through abandonment,
of representation through sensory perception, and of intervening
within these areas' unstable and mutable conditions. In Manifesta
3, Stalker presents the project Transborderline: Habitable
infrastructure to support the free movement of the public.
An unbreachable spiral of barbed wire is always the only three-dimensional
representation of a border. Transborderline is a proposal
for a new kind of border, one that maintains a spiral shape,
but through losing its barbs and becoming wider, could be
transformed into a ludic space, crossable and at the same
time habitable. It is a prototype of a possible future public
space born from the 'unfolding' of borders, creating an ideal
place for exchanges and for approaches to diversity. It is
an infrastructure that could be a structure and a conductive
medium for an urbanised type of free movement. Along the transborderline
there might be found traces of previous 'passengers', places
where a stranger could find welcome, spaces for meetings and
public encounters and ludic spaces for all ages. It is a public
space where one could come to relate to diversity and to play
with borders, with their symbolic value and the reality of
their being uncrossable. It is a space that allows the crossing
and the exceeding of borders without negating them. The installation
represents an imaginary infrastructure that crosses the borders
between East and West. It also brings to the heart of Ljubljana
thousands of soccer balls, on which there will be written
the names, stories and desires of those who line the borders
of Europe. This project wishes to contribute to the lessening
of confrontations and facilitation of exchanges with the 'other',
as well as the freer movement of the public.
