Untitled, 1995-2000, installation
The aspects which characterise the works of Tomo Savia-Gecan
are emptiness, whiteness, and absence. The artist often introduces
into the physical exhibition space and into the orientation
of the viewer's gaze a certain incompatible element, a minimal
shift, which is almost invisible, but which alters the normal,
established spatial and perceptual relations. It often seems
that one can understand his works as meaningful wholes only
on a secondary level, i.e. through description, while an actual
observer easily misses the work or experiences it as an uncanny,
uncertain, sometimes frustrating situation. This is also the
case with the project for Manifesta 3. Savia-Gecan presents
a completely empty and white space. Although emptiness and
whiteness easily evoke a number of interpretations and explanations,
from the existential to the art-historical, observer eventually
returns to the original experience of emptiness and absence.
The observer, however, cannot perceive that the space is,
in fact, constantly changing, that its dimensions very slowly,
and thus invisibly, expand or diminish. These changes can
only be perceived over a longer period of time, or if one
enters the space several times.
